Seronok main mekap di Shizens Glamouresque Private Workshop. - emilinda

Monday, April 18, 2016

Seronok main mekap di Shizens Glamouresque Private Workshop.

Thanks to The Butterfly Project, last 2 weeks aku berpeluang join "Glamour Resque Private Workshop with Shizens" yang bertempat di Pavilion. Gadis mana yang tak eksaited bila dapat join beauty workshop dengan Shizens, kan? Iye la, ramai yang duk perkatakan bahawasanya produk Shizens ni best. Aku pun tak terkecuali selalu jugak duk usha review kawan-kawan pasal produk Shizens. Antara yang sering diperkatakan adalah Shizens Lip Tattoo yang katanya boleh buat bibir gelap jadi pink semula. Honestly before ni aku sendiri belum pernah berpeluang cuba produk Shizens, tapi dah lama teringin. Weeeee *eksaited*.

Bila dah sampai, memang eksaited tengok banyak barang mekap yang disediakan. Sakan la hai main mekap hari tu. Jakun kejap tengok ada macam-macam produk. Yela, kalau harap barang mekap sendiri memang limited sangat, ada yang basic je. 

Muka eksaited dua kanak-kanak tua, mwahaha

Dekat workshop ni, kami diajar cara menggunakan skincare dan barangan mekap dengan betul. Dorang ada buat demo kat depan. Tapi at the same time ada a few staff Shizens yang bantu kami. As for me and kak Eyza, kami dibantu oleh staff Shizens bernama Ms Honey. Baik orangnya, lemah lembut but she doesn't speak Malay. 

Liposome Fair Refining Essence dengan Hydro Liposome Essential ni sama je actually, cuma Liposome Fair Refining Essence untuk yang berumur 30 ke bawah, manakala Hydro Liposome Essential untuk yang berumur 30 ke atas.

Sheer Tint Foundation ni best pakai. Macam sesuai untuk semua tone kulit je. Bila pakai, muka tak nampak gelap, tapi nampak macam glowing gitu. Jatuh cinta dengan foundation ni. 

iols pantang tau jumpa barang mekap ni. Orang snap gambar pun tak perasan, kekeke. Khusyuk benau main mekap-mekap. Kasi duduk situ seharian pun belum tentu puas. Rasa nak bawak balik semua barang mekap tu.

Eyeliner. Aku kurang reti sikit nak pakai liquid eyeliner, jadi comot. Hahah buktinya cuba tengok gambar kat bawah ni.

A bit messy, right? Hahah, redha jela. Then Ms Honey tolong kemaskan balik calitan eyeliner kat kelopak mata aku tu. Sabar je dia layan kerenah kitorang, explain kat kitorang satu persatu.

Haaa, yang kiri tu mascara, yang kanan tu pulak Eye Charm. Menurut Ms Honey, cara penggunaannya adalah Mascara > Eye Charm > Mascara . Kira guna berselang seli la bagi menampakkan bulu mata yang lebih cantik dan panjang. Seriously aku suka sangat Eye Charm ni, memang buat bulu mata aku nampak tebal dan panjang. And oh, lupa nak snap gambar brow definer. Yang tu pun aku suka sangat.

Tadaaaa ! Hasilnya. Well, i prefer light make up. Takmo kaler terang-terang sangat, karang rasa serba tak kena rasa rimas. Hahah. Oh by the way, ignore my eyebags. Sehingga kini masih tak jumpa solution yang cepat lagi berkesan untuk hilangkan eyebag. Any idea?

Inilah dia Lip Tattoo yang diperkatakan ramai itu. Lip Tattoo ni jugak berfungsi sebagai blusher dan eye liner. Bagus betul, multi-purpose. Lip Tattoo ni warna dia kind of berubah ikut mood/suhu badan if i'm not mistaken. Kiranya contoh hari ni kita pakai, color dia kat bibir kita macam ni. Then esok kita pakai, tone warnanya lain sikit. 

Muka puashati seorang emi yang dikelilingi barang mekap, lol.

Partner in crime on that day, kak Eyza dan Shafiqah Hashim. Menurut staff Shizens, produk Shizens diperbuat dari bahan organic, so memang selamat digunakan. 

Once again, thank you Shizens and thank you Tammy, founder of The Butterfly Project for this opportunity. Dalam banyak-banyak produk Shizens ni, ada a few yang aku teramat suka sangat dan berharap untuk miliki sangat-sangat which is Shizen cushion powder, sheer tint foundation, brow definer, eye charm dan lip tattoo. Eh, macam banyak pulak yang aku suka, kan? Pokailah gamaknya, hahah, semua ni aim nak beli nanti kalau ada rezeki. InshaAllah. 

Instagram : @myshizens 
Facebook : Shizens


  1. I like their lip stick also! It gives super natural color on my lip, likey likey!

    1. @Jacqueline Khoo i didn't try their lipstick the other day. Later maybe can try

  2. You girls are so pretty! Love your photos.

  3. Cantik! Yang Sheer Tint Foundation nampak best, ada glowing lagi. Buat berminat baca entri ni.

    1. @Rikajue aab yang foundation tu i suka sangat2, balik rumah teringat2

  4. Replies
    1. @bbxemily Emily that is one of my fav!

  5. Wah, so ayu dan menawan! And yes, I'm interested to try the Sheer Tint Foundation too. :)

    1. @Joyce Rachel Lee-Bates ouchhh, thanks for ur compliment 😊

  6. You look so happy playing with the colours. I have not heard of this brand before this!

    1. @Emily of course we are sooo happy playing with all those makeups. This brand is from Korea if i'm not mistaken

  7. I nak sangat yang eye charm tu heee tu I nak grab nanti heheh !

    1. @Syafiera Yamin best la u menang contest blh grab byk2 product dia.

  8. Indeed. I love their Lip Tattoo as well. Great to use.

  9. seronoknya! I suka lipgloss dia. senang hidup sbb tukar warna sendiri.

  10. Great that you enjoyed the event! Sure love Shizen Lip Tattoo

  11. Looks super awesome and think you are good in playing with colours.

  12. My mom's a huge fan of their lip tattoo since it isn't drying on her lips. Think I'll try out their eyeliner some day! Never knew they had eyeliners in their range haha

  13. Wish to put on some nice make up like you do.
    The butterfly project is a successful one. Hope manage to join you next time. :)

  14. The makeup suits you!! I think looking at your photos, I should try-out this brand.

  15. looks so nice. wish i could join the workshop! you look gorgeous babe.

  16. so nice to be a female blogger..lots of fun events and makeup to play with.

  17. I read so many positive reviews about this brand, would like to try out too :)

  18. The after make up looks so pretty ya! Tak pernah try make up from Shinzens product, but it looks good on you!

  19. I also have the same mascara and eye cham but stopped using it already! Work well to extend lashes naturally.

  20. your makeup really pretty at the end, the eye lash fibre is really cool, never knew got a product that can do that

  21. Cantikkkkk sangatttttt... mesti mahalkan produk ni... tengok bekasnya pun aummm aummmmm terdode ai is

  22. I own Shizens Lip Tattoo and I love the products. The products is a bit pricey but worth to try on their products.


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